Update - 9.13.98

Below is a copy of a letter sent to the two best Linux sites on the Net, SlashDot.Org and FreshMeat.Net, as well as mp3.com, in regard to CD^3 going to an open-source format. Please check it out.

Hi guys. I think I have something that you may be interested in. I have
seen the many articles on both the SlashDot and FreshMeat sites that
discuss portable MP3 players. As my senior project for school (DeVry
Institute of Technology) we are developing a portable CDR based (yes, it
reads regular audio CD's too) MP3 player -- called CD^3. Something that I
think you will find of additional interest is that it is TOTALLY Linux

The player is complete with a color LCD touch-screen interface, battery
powered, 32MB of RAM, 12MB of flash, based on CDR's (integrated CD drive),
audio amplifier, stereo effects, etc... all in a 5" X 6.5" X 2" case.

The group that I am developing this with (4 people plus myself) have
decided to make this project totally open-source. In doing so, we would
like to ask for assistance from the Linux community in developing the code
for it. Although all of the hardware is complete, we do not have the
software done. At this time, once it boots up you have to actually type in
the command-line for it to play (ex. "root@cd3# mpg123
/cdrom/filename.mp3"). If anyone is interested in assisting with software
development for this project, please contact me at www.kinetic.org.

As I am sure you are both aware, your web sites are the best place for
this project to get some exposure. If you would, please post this request.
If either of you have any questions, please feel free to contact me as
well. Thanks, and keep up the great work! :)


- J a y   J a c o b s o n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- www.kinetic.org   cd3.kinetic.org

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