Distributed Network Processing

I. Introduction / Thesis

A. Social problems in technology

B. Basis of networking troubles

C. Thesis

II. Background Information About the Topic

A. Explanation of computer networking, and the Internet.

B. Basis of the MIPS Sucker theory, and some of its technical aspects.

C. Effects of its use.

III. Distributed.Net Network

A. Goal of the Distributed.Net project.

B. Distributed.Net statistics in DES II.

C. Comparison of distributed processing to a stand-alone super-computer.

IV. Social Implications

A. Social problems with existing networking methodology.

B. Independent research workstation statistics.

C. Social, political and corporate benefits of implementation.

V. The MST versus today's methods.

A. MST relation to today's super-computers.

B. Cost effectiveness of the MST.

C. The MST benefits everyone; from individuals, to corporations, even entire governments.

VI. Summation

A. Social networking dependence -- MST cures.

B. The MST stretching beyond the confinement of the Internet.

C. Summary of previously discussed topics and points.